Thought I would blog about some of the places I travel to and the people I meet, mixed in with the adventure (or misadventure) of the trip.
Professionally, I am a travel assistant. I recently graduated (2007) with a dual degree in cartography and entertainment etiquette. My job is to help the clients I work for with everything they need while traveling on business and pleasure. It’s a hectic pace, as I travel with them everywhere they go.
I assist them with simple things like road directions but I also help select hotels, historic points of interest and great places to dine as well as entertain customers and associates. When asked; I also help them manage their phone calls, contacts and appointment calendars. While traveling I always have a copy of their favorite book, music and a pod cast of their favorite speaker.
My primary client keeps me occupied pretty much every week. He is a real gentleman and travels mostly in the US. Every now and then he goes to Mexico or Canada.
Check back weekly to see where I have been.